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Your Business Package

So that you have everything under control

Simple editing

One click mass editing for all profiles Fast & efficient data management Import/export function

Central administration

Clear profile overview Incl. subaccounts Central processing Optional access management

Wide range of functions

Configuration for wallet design and co Fast integration of tracking tools Internal analysis tools

Professional team management

Analysis and useful evaluations of user behaviour

Gain useful insights into user behaviour and measure the effectiveness of events, trade fairs and functions.

Everything centrally in one place

One click, set up - clear administration

Quick onboarding for all profile owners, use our helpful interface integrations or import/export functions.

Professional integration of the corporate identity

Strong visual identity and recognisability

Use our possibilities to represent your company both offline and online with your corporate identity.

Lead - Tool

Efficient lead generation at the touch of a button.

Generate new contacts as easy as never before, manage them, connect with them or import them into your CRM system.

Fast and compatible - Progressive Web App

Cross-platform compatibility and excellent loading times

With our Progressive Web App, you benefit from cross-platform compatibility, automatic updates and online and offline availability.

Targeted tracking and push notifications

Connect with your generated contacts

Notify your contacts of contact changes to stay in touch, use the automatic follow up feature to remind yourself of generated leads.

Excellent data protection compliance - ISO/IEC 27001:2013

Secure and anonymous data processing according to audited standards.

Data protection compliance at the highest level, our data protection officers will be happy to advise on the subject of DSGVO, AV contract and technical, organisational measures.

Sustainable and environmentally conscious

Your green footprint in the digital world: the business card that stays

Whether products are made from rapidly renewable raw materials or completely recycled or digital, we offer the right solution for every need. In addition, wazzl GmbH participates in the Stripe Climate programme to reduce CO2 levels.

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The Business Package offers extended functions for the management and administration of multiple profiles. These include central administration optional analytical evaluations options for multiple changes, import and export functions for CRM systems as well as further configuration options such as the customisation of wallet designs own CI and the possibility to integrate own tracking codes.
Yes the business package must be booked separately and is only available by prior contact. All products available in the shop are free of monthly fees and require a separate registration (https://card.wazzl.me) for each product or profile. It is always possible to add a business package later.
We recommend the Business Package from an administration of more than 10 profiles. The minimum number is 5 profiles.